Call for Book Proposals: Architecture of Alterity

We are seeking book proposals from educated minds and critical thinkers in the field of architecture, philosophy, and related fields addressing the question:

What is an architecture of alterity?

AoA Series Brief:

In architecture as well as in the pursuit of knowledge, a true Idea does not always unite, it oftentimes separates.  This new book series will promote the ontology of spatial relationships, where an unavowable community, political agency and social interaction supplement each other. Such ontology, which brings necessary clarity and a sense of orientation, does not take place in an empty space, but a pervasive, and multifaceted Third space. The point of reference that sustains it is the unique encounter between philosophy, politics, and place. In an expanded essay-type format, these short books engage new ways of revealing and concealing an often-hidden issue concerning an overlapping aspect of the oneness of the other and the object over the philosophical explanatory power of alterity. The aim of the series is to ask the question: “What is an architecture of alterity?”

 This series employs phenomenology and semiotics to argue that architecture is strongly influenced by the construction of the self. How does the notion of the other—as person, experience or alternative conceptual scheme—allow us to reassess the idea of the self in architecture? From within this horizon, the short books in the series will deal not only with psychoanalytical philosophy, but also will intervene at the levels of critical, cultural, political and urban theory. The agility of AoA’s format permits the series to take the pulse of what we believe to be interconnected fields, as well as address and further develop current issues, and turn these issues outward to an informed, interested public.

The book series will launch in 2019. For initial inquiries, please submit your proposal for the AoA series directly to Liz Martin-Malikian:, or